Iz Hayvancilik Tarim Ve Gida Sanayi Ticaret As
+3.60 (+9.97%)
Last Update: 07 Mar 2025 18:05:00
Yesterday: 36.12
Day's Range: 36.12 - 39.72
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When Written:
Iz Hayvancilik Tarim ve Gida Sanayi Ticaret AS is a Turkish company that operates in the agriculture and livestock industry. The company specializes in the production and distribution of animal feed, as well as the breeding and sale of livestock. Iz Hayvancilik also provides services such as veterinary care, animal nutrition consulting, and farm management. The company was founded in 2006 and is headquartered in Izmir, Turkey. It has several production facilities and farms across the country, and its products are sold both domestically and internationally.
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Note: This message was created by artificial intelligence; It does not guarantee the accuracy of the information it contains and cannot be considered as investment advice.
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